Wednesday 15 July 2015

Writing your own Life Purpose Statement.

So I got some emails asking me about how I was able to come up with my purpose statement and decided to do this post; 

I actually wrote some time ago about getting a material from Chip Brogden’s The School of Christ. 

This was what really helped me in coming up with my own purpose statement. I will share some of the steps with you here as I feel it will help you greatly;

Find a quiet place where you can be alone and undisturbed while you complete this exercise.  Then think about your answer to the following questions:  
1)  Pretend that you have all money you want and all the time you need. What would you do?      
2)  What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?     
3)  If your life was a movie, and you could write the script anyway you chose, what would happen?     
4) If you were to die TODAY, what incomplete, undone, never accomplished things would you regret the most?

Answer the following questions to uncover clues that will help clarify and define your unique Purpose. 
1)  What are your unique gifts and talents? (Things you are naturally good at.)    
2)  What are your unique skills? (Things you have learned to be good at.)    
3)  What are your unique experiences? (Positive and negative events in your life.)    
4)  What are your unique passions? (Things that get you “stirred up.”) 
a) What makes you happy, satisfied, or joyful?    
b) What makes you angry, furious, or frustrated?    
c) What makes you sad enough to cry out to God?    
d) What stirs you, or inspires you, to take action?   
5)  What is your unique time and season? (Are you preparing, or pursuing your Purpose?    
6)  Name three people (other than Jesus) that you admire most in the Bible, and why:  
7)  Name three people who have made the deepest impression on you, and why:  
8)  List your top three values (character traits you think are most important to have):  
9)  Ask three people who know you well to answer the following two questions about you:  
a) What do you think I am best at? b) What three character traits describe me the best? 
Summarize the feedback you receive below:  

Prayerfully consider what you have learned so far about who you are, what you are becoming, why you are here, and what God is showing you.  Then, write down a Purpose Statement for yourself that sums you up in ONE SENTENCE. 

“My Purpose is …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………”
If you get stuck at this point, don’t let it bother you.  Just adapt the Purpose Statement below and begin living according to this purpose right now!  Later, you can customize this to better suit your needs, or update it as needed to reflect your specific passions, gifts, skills, experiences, and character.  

Remember: Your Purpose is not your decision, it is your discovery!  

“My Purpose is to live, to learn, to love, and to leave something behind.”
1. TO LIVE is to take care of your physical health
 2. TO LEARN is to take care of your mental and emotional health
 3. TO LOVE is to take care of your social health (family, friends, and other relationships) 
4. TO LEAVE SOMETHING BEHIND is to take care of your spiritual health – serving God, helping others, and leaving behind a Christ-centered testimony.  

You can get the full version of The Balanced Christian life here



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