Monday 29 June 2015

Relationships and putting your best foot forward

Hi hi!

I was talking with a friend of mine and she was sharing with me a conversation she had with someone about her relationship and this person had told her "In a relationship, a lady has got to put her best foot forward" 

Now I really didn't think much of this but it kind of just stayed with me like a pimple that wont go away. The more I pondered, the more I thought.....

Are we really? 
What is this supposed to achieve?
Make you love me more? Or make you commit? 

What happened to just being me? Or is me not good enough?

Me consists of the best foot, the bad foot and then some.....and if you cannot deal with the total package should we even be together? 

I mean if we were talking business and unique selling points and all I can totally relate but this? 

This is love we are talking about, commitment.

Is love not supposed to cover a multitude of sins?
Is love not supposed to love irrespective of what "foot" you put forward?
Is love not supposed to look beyond who you are at the moment to who you can be?
Does love seek perfection or does it not just seek to find expression? 
Is love not supposed to be content in its recipient? 
Is love not a decision to love the recipient unconditionally? 

I would love to hear your thoughts......


  1. How can we possibly know each other when we selectively hide particular aspects of our being.
    Life is tough as it is, going through this journey with someone who can't love you past your flaws isn't worth it.
    When we defend against our insecurities and put our best foot forward, masking what we feel vulnerable about, we betray our authenticity and self-esteem and sabotage the future of the relationship as well.

    The wellspring of an emotionally intimate relationship is when we embrace our discomfort and reveal our genuine self!

    1. Apt! Thank you for sharing. I particularly loved the part where you said when we defend against our insecurities, we betray our authenticity!

  2. Hmmmm...putting your best foot out #sigh that's a good strategy when selling a product, but with someone you plan to spend eternity with or you hope to spend eternity with or just in any healthy relationship, then you might want to think of another strategy.

    1. My sentiments exactly! Thank you for always stopping by.

  3. Best foot, my foot! *Hian* No wonder there's so much pretense everywhere. The more a lady continues to 'put her best foot forward', the longer she denies herself that exhilaration that comes with being herself and this will only lead to her loosing her confidence and her true essence.
