Thursday 2 July 2015

His Love...our cross

Hi Hi,

It took me a while, but I finally came to understand that God will not sacrifice his ultimate goal in us in order to appeal to our emotions or comfort.

A lot of times, just like a child, we whine and cry for momentary relief of our pains and struggles, we would rather cry and whine than grow up!

The truth is;

He will not give you wealth until you have the strength of character to handle it. You will not enjoy sound health if you live carelessly and refuse to take responsibility for it. You will continually live in debt if you do not learn to live within your means and probably manage your resources better. The devil is enough trouble already.

I mean, it is like a child with wounds asking his father not to tend to his wounds because of the "temporary sting" he would feel. Love makes the father ignore him no matter how much he cries for mercy even though the cries pierce his heart. He knows he has to do what he has to do for the greater good!

I have come to learn that unlike us, Abba is not emotional about his parenting. He has no interest whatsoever in winning parent of the year award. He is very purposeful, disciplined and committed to his ultimate goal for our lives and when we know this, I sincerely believe life will suddenly be a whole lot easier and our attitudes will make a 360 turn.

Whether it be him working out character in us, or bringing us to a place of absolute trust and dependency on him and his love irrespective of what our physical senses tell us.

He loves us as we are however, that love will not leave us as we are. It will transform us from a worm into a butterfly. And sadly it is though the things we suffer, that we learn obedience.

Let this be our assurance, that he will not leave us in the fire a second more than is necessary to make us pure.

Hang in there...and while you are at it, Find JOY!



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