Monday 13 July 2015


I recently spent some time really thinking about what the purpose for my life is……and prayerfully and with a lot of thoughts, I came up with this purpose statement that for now sums up what and where I feel God is leading me to.

To live out my identity as a son of encouragement and a helper; helping people realize their full potential. 
To live a life of unhindered expressions of Abba’s heart by spending myself and my resources in service to my family (by blood and by faith) and the society at large.

1)       To live and build a balanced and integrated life with God and His Kingdom at the center. (Spiritual, Physical, mental, social and financial Integration).

2)      To build/be a part of a family/community that is generational in thinking. Skilled and equipped to present to the world an alternative lifestyle of God’s Kingdom on earth thereby being a fragrance of life to thirsty souls.

3)      To create a support system with the following mandate as stated in Isaiah 58 6-14:

·         Loose the chain of injustice and be a voice for the oppressed
·         Share food with the hungry (physical, spiritual, mental and emotionally food)
·         Provide shelter and clothe the naked.
·         An enabling environment for people to flourish.      

“Those who are noble make noble plans and by noble deeds, they stand!” – Isaiah 32:8

This will be the bedrock from which all other things flow…… SO HELP ME GOD!

It scares me a lot when I think about the future and where I feel God is leading me to. I wonder if I can really pull this off….I dream so much but I fear that they will remain just that…DREAMS. I fear that I am not made of an over-comer's material. I know I really shouldn’t be feeling that way, but I feel it anyway….inadequate…..not enough. I am trusting Abba to really help me see that this is not about me. There is a bigger plot and I am just a small part of His Story. That in the end, it is his story and all I have to do is keep showing up to set, listen to the directors instructions and interpret my role to the best of my abilities…The zeal of the Lord will accomplish the rest.


*How involved are we supposed to be in carrying out God’s plan and purpose? What is God’s role and what is our role? Is it OK to be Ambitious? 



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