Saturday 11 July 2015

Hitting the reset button.........


So for a minute there, I got caught up in only sharing some of my pensive thoughts and experiences and that’s great however, thinking back to why I really started this blog, I think I might have digressed a lil bit. Maybe it was my way of stalling on what I really will like to do.

I have however been reading a book….THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED by M. SCOTT PECK, M.D. and it really is teaching me to embrace my reality…It is the truth and the earlier I accept and confront my truth, the better. I hope I just made sense…lol!

So back to why I started this blog. I wanted to chronicle my journey to living a balanced life. I can hardly begin if I do not first clarify what my vision and purpose is… least my understanding of what it is right now.

So, In my next couple of posts, I will be posting on my purpose/vision statement and I will then post a background of where I am in each category/aspect of my life that will contribute to that balance. I will also include my goals for those areas. Big stuff!

I am going to be as real as I can and hope that someone somewhere learns something from all of  this but more importantly, that I learn something from all this…

I am still a bit wary of how much to share and how much is too much really and sometimes I wonder if what I am doing even makes any sense but this is my understanding for now and I see this helping me stay focused and on track so……I will give it my best shot!  I am not putting any pressure whatsoever on myself….it is a journey and I hope to never forget that. To always remember that the journey is just as important as the destination.

This blog is about to sound very much like a personal journal….that is what I started it to be really. I also will not be sharing my posts on social media as much as I used to do. Just with friends and anyone whom the Holy Spirit draws to it really. My aim is not to gain popularity and I must not forget that. I guess it is my way of control…lol. Whatever man.

Ok, I should stop babbling.

There you have it……..*smiles*

Please do feel free to share your thoughts at any time. I am open to receiving. No pressure though



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