Friday 3 July 2015

Shabbat.....and the rat race.

I love to celebrate Shabbat with my faith family. Each time I partake of the meal with them, I am reminded of the freedom I have in God. I am reminded of my true identity. I am reminded of why I am here and to whom my allegiance lie. My heart is full of pain, and gratitude for the cross and all it signifies. Above all, my heart is full of day Our King shall return! May we be found in him. Amen.


So a few Fridays ago, after our shabbat meal, we prayed and Shalom my dear dear sister, drew our attention to how easily we lose sight of who we are, get distracted and step back into the "rat race''.

You see, I live in Lagos Nigeria and with the kind of lifestyle we lead, It is very difficult to get to do what your heart truly desires. Most people just go with the flow. There is so much pressure that it is almost impossible to stay  true to yourself and your purpose. Life itself with all its pressures can be daunting and overwhelming.

My favorite workout instructor is Billy Blanks and I love his charge. He would always say 'You have got to give something to get something...If you want it, then you must give it to get it!' I feel it is high time we really think about what we want from life. What is our definition of success? What kind of life do WE want to lead? (and not just what society dictates). What kind of life do we sense God leading us to live? What does he want to do through us? What is our role in His Story?

It is very important one has clarity....clarity of purpose! and ultimately let this purpose resonate in every aspect of one's life. After defining purpose (remember your Purpose is not your decision, it is your discovery!), one must then be methodical about the future and how one must proceed with life. We must ask ourselves, what does the future I want mean to my daily living? What does it mean to my weekly living? What does it mean to my monthly living? And then make necessary adjustments no matter how painful or drastic!.....sometimes drastic is what does it. (please read that with a pinch of salt. If you have a family make sure you carry your family along as the family is a unit). So that 10 years from now, you will be living the life you CHOSE and not the life society forced on you.

Now, I know this sounds very good and easy on paper, the reality is it is hard in real life and the fact that you want it does not mean the universe automatically throws it on your lap. Remember, you have got to GIVE something to GET something. If you have a vision, you must work painstakingly hard. When you live for a purpose, then hard work is not an option, It is a necessity!

The reward is that you actually get to live the life of your dreams!

I leave you with these words that have stayed with me over the years.....

"There are rules that govern the earth, and even unbelievers will profit if they know how and follow the rules. Our outstanding advantage is ZOE....the life of God in us! "

Shabbat Shalom!


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