Wednesday 13 May 2015

Being 29

So I am not one to be excited about my birth-day but amazingly, I have been unusually happy and full of joy. Asides from the fact that I have like the best faith family ever!no jokes! God has really been super good to me! Abba Rocks!

I have not had a rosy life, but I have had a really really good life so far. Abba has been really gracious to me. He has been super good. Through all my ups and downs, through the ebbs and flows, through the good and bad, God has proven Himself as GOOD!

I have felt unspeakable joys, I have felt deep sorrow . I have gone through unbearable pains and I have felt such love my heart could explode. And through it all, Abba has been a faithful friend.

If I have learnt anything in my short life, it is the following;

1) God is so so good! We have no idea how good He is, and it is because we are have a warped idea of what good is.

2) We NEED a family! Families are God's gift to us. and often times we bear much sorrow because we choose to isolate ourselves. God blesses families, He works in teams and the benefits of yielding is just profound! (I must however add that choosing families and especially what the family model should be like is post for another day).

3) I was created FOR GOD! Not the other way round!

4) Family and friends, good friends does not mean perfection. They are gifts and they will work out His perfect will out in you. Their frailty will show sometimes when you need their strength, It is all working together for your good. It does not make them less of a gift. They are special, cherish them! There is a reason God gave them to you!

5) Rejoice in hardship! This! I cannot over-emphasize. We learn Obedience by the things we suffer. My hardships have worked out a great deal of good in me! I love Abba, His love can be tough, but it is Love! My comfort is not the goal of my life, His Character and the working out of His will is! I am content in Him.


6) Money does not define me! This one took me a long time to finally get. But yeah. Abba defines me!

I am grateful for my journey, I am grateful for His dealings with me and I know without a doubt, that He who has began a good work in me, is faithful to finish it and bring me to His expected end.

Cheers everyone!

Much Love xoxo



Please join me in saying a prayer for 2 of my dear friends and family who are going through health challenges. That Abba will preserve them and perfect their health. Thank you.xx


  1. Hahaha! You are supposed to be thrilled because it's your birthday and you get to grow an inch taller and eat birthday cake.
    I see we share some key lessons especially #1. I hope to learn and appreciate better some of your other lessons. I hope you live out to the full.

    Happy birthday, lady.

    1. Lool...Indeed I am.


      Thanks for dropping a line always. :)

  2. i love you Dammie and happy birth day. I always look forward to reading your blogs

    1. Awwh Tshepi, Thank you so much. You are so special!
