Thursday 30 April 2015

Life in book titles.....

I love books....oh my do I love books sadly however, I do not have a good reading habit.

I find it quite hard to finish a book. Mostly books with big grammar and a serious style to it....I would start reading with excitement and somehow a few chapters in, one thing leads to another and I just lose interest. Mostly because I have to read a chapter like 5 times.  I prefer an easy style with lots of stories, I get more from a story than I do from a 'lecture'. It is why my favourite books to read are fictions and biographies. I just relate better.

I realize however that sometimes, I have to go through the pain of reading heavy stuffs and so what I have been doing lately that has helped me so far, is to restrict my reading to a chapter per day. No pressure to finish it. Don't know if its the determination from starting a new thing, but it seems to be working so far. If you have any other suggestions on what can help please please please pray share!

OK, that was a digression, back to my

Because I love books, I find myself buying some anytime a chance presents itself. I really do not have a systemic way of buying books, I see something that catches my eye and I buy (I have ended up with many silly books this way but there is always something to learn

I was going through my purchase in the past month and it is just amazing how the titles are a reflection of the things that have been on my mind lately even though I have not even started reading most of them.

*Infinite Impact ; One thing that have been on my mind lately is IMPACT. I am learning more and more that what makes my heart glad more than anything is serving. Service in whatever capacity presents itself (maybe not quite because I hate doing domestic stuffs....X _ Being Kingdom minded. Making things happen for people. I realized that the more I focus on Abba and others and stop obsessing over myself, the better life actually gets.

*Generation Next Marriage ; I am definitely not one to get a book on marriage lool. The book vendor however insisted on this one and so I obliged. I am GLAD I did. I love the style of writing. I love that it is a compilation of different peoples narration of different issues plus it is so easy to read. Marriage has been a tough one for me. I am going to be 29 in a few days and society seems to be having a tough time accepting my status. "They" make it seem like I have a problem. It irritates me to be honest. I mean I will like to get married, it is a beautiful thing to get to share your life with someone but making it seem like I am less of a person because I am not married is just plain ridiculous!.

*Breach of trust ; This one is a fiction. A series of events happened recently that left me feeling very alone even though I am surrounded by so many good people. It can be very hard when you are confronted with the frailty of a friend especially when you really need their strength....don't know if I make sense but.... anyway, It can make you question their love and even their commitment. And I really haven't figured it all out yet but one thing I have learnt is this - The best of man, is still a man at his very best...we are all flawed humans put together by good intentions - and that will just have to suffice. Only Abba can be a perfect friend. The rest of us are a work in progress. All of us! So I have learnt to accept and celebrate what I have. How blessed I am for the gift of them!

*Courageous Living ; This one I am reading at the moment and really I need to share the things I have learnt in a separate post. Courage is underrated!

*From my heart to yours; I haven't even read this book at all but lately, Abba has been talking to me a lot about my heart. My no1 prayer point has been that He give me a new heart, a heart like His. I watched a DVD on the story of David DAVID The Bible Collection and it has just further expanded this in my heart. The matter of the heart is indeed the heart of the matter!

Ok, that's about it! Please do drop a few lines in the comment box. I will loooove to hear from you as well!

Hope to write soon.



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