Tuesday 28 April 2015

I embrace it.

Hi guys!

Its been donkey years! I Know....I am sorry for going all quiet on you. (checked my stats and I realized people actually read these things I write....chale!...you guys are the real heroes...lol)

You see, I have been having some challenges with this blogging thing.



It is not like I do not have anything to write about, it is just that I have too much happening and get a bit overwhelmed thinking of which one of them to write. I guess it is my obsession with making sense......I struggle with articulating my thoughts and even events and this can be a downer....:(

I must also confess that I was starting to sound a bit like a broken record to myself so I didn't see any need to push myself. Plus I find myself wondering about sharing too much as opposed to just experiencing life.

Anyways, I have been able to remind myself the reason I started this blog in the first place (why do we forget stuff so easily though?) and prayerfully, I am back on track.

It is a process......and I embrace it.

I embrace the struggle
I embrace the feeling of the worthlessness of all this
I embrace the feeling of Shame....yeah shame at revealing too much of myself and being judged
I embrace the fear of living to share....I am not sure if that makes sense to you, but I sometimes get this scare about fussing to put stuffs down and missing out on the experience. Chale!

Yeah I embrace all of it.....And Run to the one who owns me and gets me and strengthens me.
My Rock, My best friend, My Mentor, Abba.

Together, we'll figure this out.

In summary......I AM BACK!





  1. And I did not even know you blogged.
    You have said what many of us go through. But, somehow, we gotta push through and become better writers. And be consistent at it too.

    1. I did not know I blogged myself. Lol

      Indeed we must. Thank you for stopping by. Cheers!
