Thursday 16 April 2015

When peace seems elusive

Jesus is the way!
Jesus is the answer.

I wish I could write about the steps....
Or the things you must do....
But I cant.

He just manages to reach me in His mercy and goodness.

Somehow, there's a crack and light comes pouring into my soul and I am just illuminated and I cannot deny that I have been touched by Him.

I wish I could say it was deliberate, but it wasn't.

I was just there talking with friends and somehow we start talking about Him....about us....about the big picture...and there His kingdom comes....His love pours into my soul, my heart..... and I and run till I am engulfed. And I am lost in His embrace.

And for the first time in a really long time, I feel hope. I know there is hope...I know I have a chance.

Jesus is the answer!

When the going gets tough and the ride gets rough.....

Jesus is the way!


I know I haven't blogged in a long while, and I should probably explain why and all.....but I really do not feel like. So........yeah.



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