Thursday 12 March 2015

You don't have to try so hard.....

Hi lovelies

This song  Colbie Caillat - Try  has been playing on repeat in my playlist since noon......and it is just ministering to me in much deeper ways than the literal lyrics.

You see, we all fall into this trap of trying so hard to please.......there is a way society expects us to be, and if you are like me, there is also a way we expect ourselves to be. And so we put ourselves under so much pressure to conform to these standards that have nothing to do with who we really are or who God says we are. We try so hard just to get people to 'like' us....we even try so hard to get God to like seriously! He loved you Dammie!...with all the mess and all.....He loved and still loves us!!

Why are we like this?

We put ourselves through so much pressure..we try so hard to be who we are not just because we want to appear a certain way or appeal to a certain crowd.....oh the weight of it!......I know this!....I feel this weight every single day.....I feel it with this whole blogging thing....I feel it with my family...I feel it with my friends...I feel it with this course I am taking......and to what end?

So what if I disappoint society? what if nobody ends up liking the real me?  I don't know about you, but I really am tired of  doing things just for show...I am just too old for it.... I am not going to play this game I am so done! I want to like the me I am when I am alone...I want all my me's to be just one me...the real me!..and if that me is not good enough for society.....too bad!

The only me I am interested in being right now, is the me God says I am! It is the me Abba has spoken to me about....I am excited about this me, and I would not let society's expectation of me take that me away from me! I want my choices and my decisions to be in line with who I really am and who I want to be and not just what is 'expected' of me.

So when next I feel that weight...I am not going to crumble under the weight of it, I am going to love me! and fight for me...and embrace what really matters! Over and over again.

And while I am at it, I am going to be kind to myself and less judgmental, I am a work in progress and I trust Abba to make me all that He has called me to be.

I am going to let this light shine! For the glory of the Lord is risen upon me!

Care to join me?




  1. This is so good. I read a quote a while back that basically said that if someone doesn't like or approve of me, that's fine. There are plenty of other people in the world so it shouldn't be too hard for them to go find someone else who they do like and approve of.

    One of the things I am realizing is that when I am my authentic self, I will alienate some people, but the trade off is that I will be drawing those who enjoy me to myself. The hardest part is just figuring out how to do me after so many years of trying to be all things to all people.

    1. So true @ I will be drawing those who enjoy me to myself. One of the many rewards.

      "The hardest part is just figuring out how to do me after so many years of trying to be all things to all people."....Personally, that is what I struggle with most. I am not even sure I really know who me is.

      Thanks for taking time out to drop a line.

  2. Have come to realise that you can never please people in life that is the basic truth cos if u decide to place A, B will not be pleased. So basically the best thing to do is please God n yourself.

    1. Very well said! Thank you for dropping a line.

  3. This is so on point! I have been there, always trying so hard to be what i thought people wanted me to be, trying so hard to conform to what the society, family, friends etc dictates and never staying true to myself.*sigh* Such a draining way to live.So grateful i dont have to live that way again.

    1. It is draining indeed! Glad you found your way out of it. All the best and thank you for dropping a line.
