Monday 2 March 2015

A note to self; .......Get Over Yourself!

Dear Dammie,

'If you died tonight, would you know for sure that you have finished the purpose for which you were created?'

Do you even know why you are here?

Do you have something you live by? something you live for?

You see, I think one of the reasons why life can be so hard is that you are so focused on yourself that you cannot be anything but miserable! The whole world, you like to revolve around you and when life does not go according to how you want it to go, all hell breaks loose!  My Happiness! My feelings! My Blessings! My Comfort, My Breakthrough! Me! Me! Me!

You are so absorbed with yourself that you become inattentive to the world around you and the needs of others. You lose focus of the main reason why you are here, unfortunately, the only thing that can give you fulfillment and then end up living a sub-optimal life.

I have a message for you;

Get a life!
Get Purpose!!

Instead of siting on your chair or lying on your bed or whatever it is you do.......brooding, seek God's face and get some direction on your life.

While at it, try not to be spooky.....Saints like to go all mysterious and sometimes you lose the answers right under your nose. I have learnt that life in God is really very simple. It is humans that complicate things.

Think about who you are, what you would do if money and time were no issues?, what would you do if you knew you could not fail?, If today was your last day on earth, what incomplete or undone things would you regret most?, What are your unique gifts and talents? unique skills, passions and experiences? What infuriates you? What inspires or stirs you to take action? Who and what have made the deepest impressions on you? Why?

Prayerfully consider what you have learned so far about who you are, what you are becoming, why you are here and what God is showing you. Then write out a purpose statement. this can always be updated as things get clearer. Remember, your purpose is not your decision, It is your discovery!!

This is just the beginning but trust me, It changes everything!

When you engage life, everything doesn't seem so bad, you find a renewed sense of understanding....and it is OK to feel low sometimes, for these treasures have been put in earthen vessels, that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not of us.

Remember, you are on a journey! Do not be so hard on yourself!

Talk to you soon.



Do not deny yourself greatness! 

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