Monday 9 March 2015

Blogging......and Mental health

Gosh I love blogging....

I know I am probably still at the honeymoon stage..(I sincerely hope not), but boy do I love blogging.

Apart from the fact that I love starting new things and engaging in new activities, I love that it helps me to THINK. My mental health is something that is very important to me....I believe it affects everything.....It is where we win or lose. It is where our level of productivity and output is determined.. Like our mind has the ability to take us far beyond where our physical strength can. I believe it is the first place we see evidence of the work of the Holy Spirit in least for me it is.

I love blogging because it helps me think and pay attention to my life. It helps me meditate and spend time on things that really matter to me and not just random stuffs that fly around me all the time. ( I hope to publish a post that speaks more on this).

I love that it forces me to learn to put together my thoughts constructively and objectively.

I love that I can feel myself grow with each it published and unpublished.

Indeed writing is fast becoming a very rewarding activity for me.

I really do recommend it....and feel no pressure to share your writing with the world, a private journal should do if you are more of a private person.

and,.....don't you just love how really short this post is...hahahahaha.



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