Saturday 27 June 2015

A Poem for Abba


So I am sitting on my bed, thinking about life and its true meaning.....about the things that really matter....about the things that are important and those that are not so important. This flowed from my heart:

Dear Abba

Dear Abba, 
You are my priority
You are all I want
You are all I really need.

I long to know you, to understand your ways
I long to know your heart, the deep mysteries it holds
I want to love you with every breath that I breath
O Abba, You are the treasure that I seek. 

Take my hand dear Lord and lead me along your path
Take my roots deep down in the soil of your love
Help me to be grounded in you
Like any son or daughter, I long to be like you my father.

Open my eyes to see how you see
Touch my heart, to love how you love
Let our hearts beat as one.
For in you I am content. 

"In a dry and barren land where no water is, my soul is thirsty for you.''


  1. These are my thoughts from your poem

    Take my hand dear Lord and lead me along your path
    Take my roots deep down in the soil of your love
    Help me to be grounded in you
    Like any son or daughter, I long to be like you my father.

