Monday 16 February 2015

The First Chronicle

Ok......So I have been sitting here thinking of a really cool first post. After a few minutes, I thought to myself Dammie, away with the drama...and Be! yourself that is :) 


First things first.....some background.

I have always loved to write but never really got around to writing or taking it serious. I came across this article that however inspired me to start this blog. You can read here - Writing is thinking really. 

A line that stayed with me from the post is this - "If you’re not writing, I hope this post inspires you to write. You learn so much about the world, and most of all, yourself. " - Paul Campillo

So here I am, witting, about myself, to myself and everyone who cares to join in the ride.

What I hope to get:
  • Have Fun!
  • Mental Clarity
  • Growth
  • More Fun!
  • Order
  • Maybe a few friends :)
  • Get to know "Me" better

Life Areas I will touch:
  • Spiritual
  • Mental
  • Physical
  • Social
  • Financial

So, how's that for a first post. 



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