Tuesday 17 February 2015

The Second Chronicle

Dammie, you really need to come up with a more catching post title don't you think?.....Its OK though, no pressure! lol.


I woke up this morning to a post from my favourite blog at the moment www.paulcampillo.com. Paul had blogged about "The miracle of feedbacks" and boy i couldn't get enough of it. What resonated most with me was I quote
"To correct mistakes quickly, to address situations before they get out of hand, and to acknowledge the elephant in the room is not just critical to progress, it gives you an opportunity to find and express your humanity"  - Paul Campillo
You see, yesterday, when I got home from work, I did some thinking....About how far I am from my goals, about how much I had derailed from my "perfect 2015", about how at the rate at which I was going, I'll probably be depressed come December. See, I did a whole lot of thinking, got slightly depressed, stuffed myself with some food and went straight to bed. Little wonder I haven't made much progress with my life.

This is not the first time my evening has gone this way....in fact, this month alone, I have had at least four nights that pretty much went the same way. I have this bad habit of just tucking away issues as if by some crazy chance they would all just disappear and the sun will be bright again. It is how I cope.

<enter Paul's words>

"What good does it do to get the message, then ignore it? What good is it to look at myself in the mirror, see those unwanted results, then go back to doing the same things?"

It is safe to say Paul hit me real hard this morning. Real hard!

I am going to change my life! At least I will make an effort  try my BEST! :)

So this is what I promise to do before my next post

  • Finish my audio book on living a balanced christian life by Chip Brogden
  • Revisit my 2015 Vision Board
  • Review my 2015 Vision board. Set realistic goals. 
I hope to be able to come back here as soon as possible. 

Off to make some change



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