Wednesday 18 February 2015

My open letter.

I know I said I was not going to do any post till I finished my tasks from the last post, but I just needed to get this out before my chest bursts......(I can be really dramatic Yhoor!)

So, please bear with me.

I feel so alone! Not alone as in lonely, but alone as in a-lone!...OK Dammie, that does not make much sense. :)

This is what I mean, I have not been with God much, I have not been dependent on Him, I have not really had any fellowship with him. I have talked to Him and He has spoken to me a few times, but our relationship is not in a good place right now. And yes I have just coasted for a while now but mehn, I am SPENT! I am bankrupt! So here is me writing a letter to Abba, and hoping, if someone reads this, you please mention my name to Him.

Dear Abba,


My Spirit is poor and I turn to you. I know that you do not leave me, it is I who often crawls away from you. Why I do this I do not know especially since it is apparent that without you I am lost!

Draw me and I will run to you! Kiss me with the kisses of your mouth for your love is better than wine. My soul is thirsty for you, my Spirit seeks you. Draw me Abba....draw me!

Draw me into your presence once again, I want to behold the beauty of your holiness. I want to fall in love with you all over again! I want to be consumed by your love. I want to learn at your table. I want to be purified by the waters from your stream....till I am no more and you reign in me.

Draw me Abba! Please draw me to yourself.

I am empty and I need You!

Its me,

       “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” MATTHEW 5:3     

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