Thursday 19 March 2015

Best Believe!


I don't know how many of you experience the struggle.....the struggle to be a changed person.

You try so all the worship centers tell you to do...Join the workforce, pay your tithes, partake in the 100 days fast declared by the pastor.... do everything....But still when you look at your life, or when you lay down and reflect, deep down you know, that you are not better. And then you struggle some more....

Funny thing is, the more we struggle, the more we fall short......Why do we work so hard when Jesus already said IT IS FINISHED. We busy ourselves being human-doings as opposed to human-beings.

I find myself asking.....Is it worth it? Struggling so much...It is not like I am ever going to beat this on my own....Why is it so difficult to just BELIEVE....and trust Him?

I realized that what we really struggle with is the simplicity of the gospel, we find it difficult to BELIEVE......and I know this is a process.....But, it is the degree to which we believe that we begin to BE.

When we stand up, no one struggles or even thinks twice about it, or worry about their feet carrying the weight of their just stand and go because you trust your legs. It is what it does, it moves you from once place to another.

Cant but ask;

Do I really believe the gospel?
Do I really believe what Jesus did on the cross?
Do I really believe God is good and He loves me?
Do I trust Him enough to make me all that He has called me to be?
Do I trust His process?
Do I really believe all He has spoken concerning me?

What is the implication of my belief?

#SELAH....pause and think upon these things

Romans 8 The Message (MSG)

The Solution Is Life on God’s Terms

5-8 Those who think they can do it on their own end up obsessed with measuring their own moral muscle but never get around to exercising it in real life. Those who trust God’s action in them find that God’s Spirit is in them—living and breathing God! Obsession with self in these matters is a dead end; attention to God leads us out into the open, into a spacious, free life. Focusing on the self is the opposite of focusing on God. Anyone completely absorbed in self ignores God, ends up thinking more about self than God. That person ignores who God is and what he is doing. And God isn’t pleased at being ignored.
9-11 But if God himself has taken up residence in your life, you can hardly be thinking more of yourself than of him. Anyone, of course, who has not welcomed this invisible but clearly present God, the Spirit of Christ, won’t know what we’re talking about. But for you who welcome him, in whom he dwells—even though you still experience all the limitations of sin—you yourself experience life on God’s terms. It stands to reason, doesn’t it, that if the alive-and-present God who raised Jesus from the dead moves into your life, he’ll do the same thing in you that he did in Jesus, bringing you alive to himself? When God lives and breathes in you (and he does, as surely as he did in Jesus), you are delivered from that dead life. With his Spirit living in you, your body will be as alive as Christ’s!


Tuesday 17 March 2015


My heart is at war....

The man I have been is rising up in me again.....

My sins weigh me down......the chains of my past surround me.....the man I used to be threatens to take over.

Help me Abba.

I need your peace to get me through this night.

I know I cant live by what I feel, but by the truth your word reveals. But, here I am Abba, drowning in the sea of forgetfulness.

Help me draw comfort from the truth that I'm not holding on to you.....You are holding on to me and you will not let me go!

Thursday 12 March 2015

You don't have to try so hard.....

Hi lovelies

This song  Colbie Caillat - Try  has been playing on repeat in my playlist since noon......and it is just ministering to me in much deeper ways than the literal lyrics.

You see, we all fall into this trap of trying so hard to please.......there is a way society expects us to be, and if you are like me, there is also a way we expect ourselves to be. And so we put ourselves under so much pressure to conform to these standards that have nothing to do with who we really are or who God says we are. We try so hard just to get people to 'like' us....we even try so hard to get God to like seriously! He loved you Dammie!...with all the mess and all.....He loved and still loves us!!

Why are we like this?

We put ourselves through so much pressure..we try so hard to be who we are not just because we want to appear a certain way or appeal to a certain crowd.....oh the weight of it!......I know this!....I feel this weight every single day.....I feel it with this whole blogging thing....I feel it with my family...I feel it with my friends...I feel it with this course I am taking......and to what end?

So what if I disappoint society? what if nobody ends up liking the real me?  I don't know about you, but I really am tired of  doing things just for show...I am just too old for it.... I am not going to play this game I am so done! I want to like the me I am when I am alone...I want all my me's to be just one me...the real me!..and if that me is not good enough for society.....too bad!

The only me I am interested in being right now, is the me God says I am! It is the me Abba has spoken to me about....I am excited about this me, and I would not let society's expectation of me take that me away from me! I want my choices and my decisions to be in line with who I really am and who I want to be and not just what is 'expected' of me.

So when next I feel that weight...I am not going to crumble under the weight of it, I am going to love me! and fight for me...and embrace what really matters! Over and over again.

And while I am at it, I am going to be kind to myself and less judgmental, I am a work in progress and I trust Abba to make me all that He has called me to be.

I am going to let this light shine! For the glory of the Lord is risen upon me!

Care to join me?



Monday 9 March 2015

Blogging......and Mental health

Gosh I love blogging....

I know I am probably still at the honeymoon stage..(I sincerely hope not), but boy do I love blogging.

Apart from the fact that I love starting new things and engaging in new activities, I love that it helps me to THINK. My mental health is something that is very important to me....I believe it affects everything.....It is where we win or lose. It is where our level of productivity and output is determined.. Like our mind has the ability to take us far beyond where our physical strength can. I believe it is the first place we see evidence of the work of the Holy Spirit in least for me it is.

I love blogging because it helps me think and pay attention to my life. It helps me meditate and spend time on things that really matter to me and not just random stuffs that fly around me all the time. ( I hope to publish a post that speaks more on this).

I love that it forces me to learn to put together my thoughts constructively and objectively.

I love that I can feel myself grow with each it published and unpublished.

Indeed writing is fast becoming a very rewarding activity for me.

I really do recommend it....and feel no pressure to share your writing with the world, a private journal should do if you are more of a private person.

and,.....don't you just love how really short this post is...hahahahaha.



Monday 2 March 2015

A note to self; .......Get Over Yourself!

Dear Dammie,

'If you died tonight, would you know for sure that you have finished the purpose for which you were created?'

Do you even know why you are here?

Do you have something you live by? something you live for?

You see, I think one of the reasons why life can be so hard is that you are so focused on yourself that you cannot be anything but miserable! The whole world, you like to revolve around you and when life does not go according to how you want it to go, all hell breaks loose!  My Happiness! My feelings! My Blessings! My Comfort, My Breakthrough! Me! Me! Me!

You are so absorbed with yourself that you become inattentive to the world around you and the needs of others. You lose focus of the main reason why you are here, unfortunately, the only thing that can give you fulfillment and then end up living a sub-optimal life.

I have a message for you;

Get a life!
Get Purpose!!

Instead of siting on your chair or lying on your bed or whatever it is you do.......brooding, seek God's face and get some direction on your life.

While at it, try not to be spooky.....Saints like to go all mysterious and sometimes you lose the answers right under your nose. I have learnt that life in God is really very simple. It is humans that complicate things.

Think about who you are, what you would do if money and time were no issues?, what would you do if you knew you could not fail?, If today was your last day on earth, what incomplete or undone things would you regret most?, What are your unique gifts and talents? unique skills, passions and experiences? What infuriates you? What inspires or stirs you to take action? Who and what have made the deepest impressions on you? Why?

Prayerfully consider what you have learned so far about who you are, what you are becoming, why you are here and what God is showing you. Then write out a purpose statement. this can always be updated as things get clearer. Remember, your purpose is not your decision, It is your discovery!!

This is just the beginning but trust me, It changes everything!

When you engage life, everything doesn't seem so bad, you find a renewed sense of understanding....and it is OK to feel low sometimes, for these treasures have been put in earthen vessels, that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not of us.

Remember, you are on a journey! Do not be so hard on yourself!

Talk to you soon.



Do not deny yourself greatness!