Monday 29 June 2015

Relationships and putting your best foot forward

Hi hi!

I was talking with a friend of mine and she was sharing with me a conversation she had with someone about her relationship and this person had told her "In a relationship, a lady has got to put her best foot forward" 

Now I really didn't think much of this but it kind of just stayed with me like a pimple that wont go away. The more I pondered, the more I thought.....

Are we really? 
What is this supposed to achieve?
Make you love me more? Or make you commit? 

What happened to just being me? Or is me not good enough?

Me consists of the best foot, the bad foot and then some.....and if you cannot deal with the total package should we even be together? 

I mean if we were talking business and unique selling points and all I can totally relate but this? 

This is love we are talking about, commitment.

Is love not supposed to cover a multitude of sins?
Is love not supposed to love irrespective of what "foot" you put forward?
Is love not supposed to look beyond who you are at the moment to who you can be?
Does love seek perfection or does it not just seek to find expression? 
Is love not supposed to be content in its recipient? 
Is love not a decision to love the recipient unconditionally? 

I would love to hear your thoughts......

Saturday 27 June 2015

A Poem for Abba


So I am sitting on my bed, thinking about life and its true meaning.....about the things that really matter....about the things that are important and those that are not so important. This flowed from my heart:

Dear Abba

Dear Abba, 
You are my priority
You are all I want
You are all I really need.

I long to know you, to understand your ways
I long to know your heart, the deep mysteries it holds
I want to love you with every breath that I breath
O Abba, You are the treasure that I seek. 

Take my hand dear Lord and lead me along your path
Take my roots deep down in the soil of your love
Help me to be grounded in you
Like any son or daughter, I long to be like you my father.

Open my eyes to see how you see
Touch my heart, to love how you love
Let our hearts beat as one.
For in you I am content. 

"In a dry and barren land where no water is, my soul is thirsty for you.''

Time....and goals


I cannot believe how much TIME has passed since my last post! Yhoor!

BTW, don't you just love vintage watches? I love them like! OK back to time! *inserts side-eyes* (lool i'm so playful.)


It really has been a long time since my last post chale! My sincere apologies.

It might be a wee bit comforting to know that while I was away, i did not stop writing and my journal is full of write-ups about my thoughts and experiences in the past month. I guess it will be good to share some of them before I go into the whole newness phase. Yeah, I think i'll will share a couple of them. *smiles*

Thing is, my laptop broke and although to be honest, i really needed that time off and I am grateful for the miracle of my laptop packing up.....Yes! It was a miracle because I was forced to step back from my rat race and really think about what I was doing with my life and boy, it really has been a very rewarding time for me.

I have finally been able to implement a lot of things I set out to do at the beginning of the least I now have a plan.

Have you ever goal-set? I don't know about you, but the hardest part is knowing what you really want, the things you want to accomplish! and really tuning into what you perceive God wants to achieve with your life. Your role in His story.

It has really been a great beginning for me and even though the second hardest thing for me is putting myself out there, I have decided to embrace the real essence of starting this blog which is to chronicle my journey to living a balanced integrated life. Besides, I figure the best way to get it done is to tell the whole world about it! how's that for motivation?

Let's just say things are about to get very real on this street. :)

In the next couple of days though, I will be posting some of my write-ups from the past month so please stay tuned! or else!......i'll beg lol.

Enjoy the ride with me.

