Monday 7 December 2015


So I haven’t blogged in a loooooong while…and for good reasons chale.

I still start my sentences with ‘so’ and I still say ‘chale’. I guess not much has changed loool.

I haven’t blogged in a long while; life happened some might say. I disagree.
Life does not ‘happen’.
Life is here and now
Life has opposing attributes ….. 

Ebbs and flows
Good times and sober times
 Fun times and hard times
 Easy times and difficult times

That is life. It is a series of problem solving.

To expect anything more or anything less is to not understand life and its attributes.

Problems and challenges are a part of life; it is how we grow both mentally and spiritually. They call forth our courage and our wisdom and force on us to take action where we are mostly passive. In fact, it is in the whole process of meeting and solving problems that life has its meaning.

The times, the seasons……..that is what life is made of.

Embrace it!

Find peace!

And then maybe you can truly begin to live.

Not as the world lives, going about moaning incessantly, loudly or subtly about their problems and the enormity of their burdens as if life is meant to be easy.
Nah, look around you, get your eyes off yourself for a minute, and see? Everyone has their fair share of problems. Life’s difficulties are not a unique kind of affliction visited on you specially.  
I know. I have been in that place myself. 

Until we truly understand and accept this truth, we won’t find peace even though we have God, we will still seek the wrong things and our hearts won’t be in the right place.

When we embrace this, life is no longer hard because it no longer matters that life is difficult.

Then we can finally be FREE.
Free to use the hardship to be all that we were called to be
That’s the only way to begin to live optimally.

I have found my peace.
I have found my happy place.
It is in Abba’s arms, and this gift of life he’s given me.

Cheers to a life of ''problems''! ....for now I know, I am shaped by them. Like gold is purified by fire. 
